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Top 17 Jain dinner ideas to make in Paryushan

Paryushan is an annual holy fasting period for jains that typically lasts for about 8 to 10  days during monsoon either in august or September. This is the most important festival of jains and during this festival they more strictly follow the jainism rules. Paryushan celebrates 5 main rules of jainism : Ahimsa (non violence), Satya (truth), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya and Aparigrah. During paryushan they prevent eating underground vegetables like potato, onion, garlic and also all green coloured vegetables like cabbage, spinach, ladyfinger etc. Jains are expected to do pratikraman in these days. you can also do meditation.  Don't harm anyone through your words or actions, refrain from killing even the small insects . It is the time of immersing yourself in learning about the higher self, and the purpose of life. Below are top 16 dishes you can have in Paryushan. Note :You can kasuri methi (drid methi) during these days. 1.Corn & rajma tacos This combo of rajma and corn

Top 7 habbits you should follow in your teens

Habbits in your teenage for a wonderful life ahead 

1.Choosing your passion as your career 👍💪

A large body of evidence based career advice says that employees who are passionate about what they do will be both happier and more productive at work.
Passion means infusing some inspiration in your job or business which will keep you going happily.
When you find your passion inside of you, and let it lead your life ,it can become so powerful it takes control of your life.
Just like most things in life, balance is important when it comes to managing your passion.

2.Having the right people 👫👲

This is the age when we get attracted towards friends and enjoyment and take our career lightly. But instead we should not get attracted towards the lucurative. We should make true friends, we should increase our bond with the family. Because family is the ones who doesn't leave you in toughest times.
We should set our mentors and try to be with the people who are better than us. This will help you to grow. This is our career building time .We should set a particular time for social media and try to improve yourself.
You should increase your friendship with the people who can help you in the tougher times.

3.Being updated to the technology 💫✌

The 21 st century era is the era of technology. Each day brings a new invention. So you need to be updated to the new things coming up. You should know how to use the right technology.
Technology automates the most complex of processes, be it in communication, education, medicine or any other industry. Technology can be used to improve teaching and learning and help students be successful. technology can be your "force multiplier".
Technology affects a firm's ability to communicate with customers. When customers use technology to interact with a business, the business benefits because better communication creates a stronger public image. 

4.Keeping fit and healthy 🍑🍊

The inclusion of regular fitness activity helps students maintain fitness, develop muscular strength and improve cardio vascular health.
In order to maintain a relaxed state of mind, a person should be physically active. A person who is both physically and mentally is strong enough to face the ups and downs of life , is not affected by drastic changes if they take place.
Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps cardiovascular system more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve, you have more energy to tackle daily chores.

5.Making goals and focusing then 👀👀

Goals give you hope for your vision and help you develop a plan to achieve your dreams.
The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.
 Goal setting is the first step of successful goal marks your first point toward success.
Setting goals helps trigger new behaviour , helps guides your focus and helps you sustain that momentum in life.
As such it pushes students to tackle challenges head on and work on their weaknesses for overall success.

6.Having faith in god and yourself  😇😇💫

A strong belief in yourself can bring you all these benefits and more. You recognize your ability to accomplish goals.You are optimistic about the future as you set goals and achieve them .
Faith nourishes the heart and soul.

7.  Trying to become financially independent and learn investing. 👏💪💪

You should try to achieve the goal of financial independence. Its always better to employ yourself rather than to be employed by others.
Investment and the concept of savings should be taught to teenager right from an early age. Because they are the pillars for a good finance. Teenagers should learn relevant skills because as the time flows skills are much more valued than the education of college.
Companies like Google, Instagram and Facebook are hiring the employees who are skilled and not the ones who are college degree holders.
The corporate and the real life includes the practical knowledge rather than theoretical knowledge
Importance of financial independence : 
Financial independence is important because job security is an illusion.
Financial independence is important because it means you are no longer trapped in the " rat race".

       Your teenage time is the best time of life
Which you utilize to change your entire life!!
So mention in the comment section how this blog helped you !!!

            So utilize your teenage time wisely.

Tell me what of these following you are doing in your teenage time in the comments.  😀😇😇💓🙏



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Top 17 Jain dinner ideas to make in Paryushan

Paryushan is an annual holy fasting period for jains that typically lasts for about 8 to 10  days during monsoon either in august or September. This is the most important festival of jains and during this festival they more strictly follow the jainism rules. Paryushan celebrates 5 main rules of jainism : Ahimsa (non violence), Satya (truth), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya and Aparigrah. During paryushan they prevent eating underground vegetables like potato, onion, garlic and also all green coloured vegetables like cabbage, spinach, ladyfinger etc. Jains are expected to do pratikraman in these days. you can also do meditation.  Don't harm anyone through your words or actions, refrain from killing even the small insects . It is the time of immersing yourself in learning about the higher self, and the purpose of life. Below are top 16 dishes you can have in Paryushan. Note :You can kasuri methi (drid methi) during these days. 1.Corn & rajma tacos This combo of rajma and corn