Paryushan is an annual holy fasting period for jains that typically lasts for about 8 to 10 days during monsoon either in august or September. This is the most important festival of jains and during this festival they more strictly follow the jainism rules. Paryushan celebrates 5 main rules of jainism : Ahimsa (non violence), Satya (truth), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya and Aparigrah. During paryushan they prevent eating underground vegetables like potato, onion, garlic and also all green coloured vegetables like cabbage, spinach, ladyfinger etc. Jains are expected to do pratikraman in these days. you can also do meditation. Don't harm anyone through your words or actions, refrain from killing even the small insects . It is the time of immersing yourself in learning about the higher self, and the purpose of life. Below are top 16 dishes you can have in Paryushan. Note :You can kasuri methi (drid methi) during these days. 1.Corn & rajma tacos This combo of rajma and...
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