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Top 17 Jain dinner ideas to make in Paryushan

Paryushan is an annual holy fasting period for jains that typically lasts for about 8 to 10  days during monsoon either in august or September. This is the most important festival of jains and during this festival they more strictly follow the jainism rules. Paryushan celebrates 5 main rules of jainism : Ahimsa (non violence), Satya (truth), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya and Aparigrah. During paryushan they prevent eating underground vegetables like potato, onion, garlic and also all green coloured vegetables like cabbage, spinach, ladyfinger etc. Jains are expected to do pratikraman in these days. you can also do meditation.  Don't harm anyone through your words or actions, refrain from killing even the small insects . It is the time of immersing yourself in learning about the higher self, and the purpose of life. Below are top 16 dishes you can have in Paryushan. Note :You can kasuri methi (drid methi) during these days. 1.Corn & rajma tacos This combo of rajma and corn

Want to stay away from viral infection then eat these foods

10 commonly available foods to improve your immunity

Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self image.
Now more than ever with the new viruses constantly attacking humans, we need to find ways to boost our immunity.

Making sure you are eating a diet high in immune boosting nutrients is one way you can take an active role in maintaining your health and wellness.

Below are top 10 commonly available foods to get strong immunity :

1.  Turmeric

Turmeric is a natural way to help boost the immune system by increasing the immunomodulating capacity of the body. This is due to qualities of curcumin, a compound in turmeric. 
Try adding extra turmeric into your diet during periods of stress or during flu season to help give your immune a boost.

2. Ginger

People use ginger in a variety of dishes and desserts, as well as in teas.
 According to a review, ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidive properties and is likely to offer health benefits.
Start your day with a glass of ginger tea.
According to the "AYUSH"  ministry, adding ginger can go a long in keeping infections a bay.

3. Garlic

Allicin, the main active compound in garlic, is thought to improve your immune cells and has ability to fight off colds and flu, says  doctors. It also has anti-microbial that help fight bacterial and viral infections.

4. Yogurt

Not only is  yogurt packed with vitamins and proteins, it's also a source of lactobacillus, a probiotic that fight off the bad guys and gives your immune system a boost. We know that because of lactic acid production of the bacteria it contains, yogurt has a positive effect on lactose digestion for people with poor tolerance to lactose.

5. Spinach

With abundance of vitamins and minerals, it's obvious that spinach would boost up your immune system.
Spinach has a high dose of vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin E, which helps fight off infections as well as replenish the blood cells to give a boost to immune system.they also contain folate, another immune booster. 

6. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are high in vitamin c,and are good sources of folate and thiamin. Vitamin c is a powerful antioxidant and protects the body from damaging free radicals. Some of the citrus fruits are:
  • Grapefruit
  • Oranges
  • Lemons
  • Lime
  • Climentines
  • Tangerines

The possible benefits of consuming papaya include a reduced risk of heart disease,diabetes,cancer,aiding in digestion,improving blood glucose control in people with diabetes,lowering blood pressure  and improving wound healing.
Papaya contains more than 200% of your daily dose of vitamin c.apart it is also rich in vitamins A,B and K.  It also improves digestion.

8.  Amla

According to Ayurveda, Amla juice is known to balance all the processes in the body and brings to equilibrium all three doshas- vata, kapha, pitta.
Amla is an excellent source of Vitamin C, hence it helps boost immunity, metabolism and prevents viral and bacterial ailments,including cold and cough. It boosts the production of white blood cells.
It is also rich in iron,calcium and other minerals.

9. Mint

Peppermint has antibacterial properties that help fight off disease causing illness and further improves immunity system. The traces of potassium, vitamin B and various antioxidants help the body function in a healthy way.
Mint is packed with a varied range of antioxidants that help free radical activity. Free radical activity boosts your immunity.
Mint is also enriched with anti-inflammatory properties that help ease discomfort and also prevents from cold and flu.

10.Green tea

Greployphenols, potent plant antioxidants, are whats believed to give green tea its immune-boosting tea contains a special antioxidant,the EGCG. Green tea also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that helps the body fight germs.
These  antioxidants also proactively protect cells from damage that can lead to number of diseases.


Pomegranate seeds get their vibrant hue from polyphenols. These  chemicals are powerful antioxidants. Pomegranate juice contains higher level of antioxidants than most other fruit juices.
It has 3 times more antioxidants than green tea. It helps remove free radicals,protect cells from damage and reduce inflammation.
The juice of a single pomegranate has more than 40% of your daily requirement of vitamin c. Hence,it is a great immunity booster. 

     If you want to learn about such more interesting topics, comment and let me know.

                                                  THANK YOU!!!!



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Top 17 Jain dinner ideas to make in Paryushan

Paryushan is an annual holy fasting period for jains that typically lasts for about 8 to 10  days during monsoon either in august or September. This is the most important festival of jains and during this festival they more strictly follow the jainism rules. Paryushan celebrates 5 main rules of jainism : Ahimsa (non violence), Satya (truth), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya and Aparigrah. During paryushan they prevent eating underground vegetables like potato, onion, garlic and also all green coloured vegetables like cabbage, spinach, ladyfinger etc. Jains are expected to do pratikraman in these days. you can also do meditation.  Don't harm anyone through your words or actions, refrain from killing even the small insects . It is the time of immersing yourself in learning about the higher self, and the purpose of life. Below are top 16 dishes you can have in Paryushan. Note :You can kasuri methi (drid methi) during these days. 1.Corn & rajma tacos This combo of rajma and corn